Reporting Utility Payments to the Credit Bureaus – Part Two

Reporting Utility Payments Is Better Than a Customer Suffering From a Delinquency Late payments can also ding a credit report, but it doesn’t damage a credit report nearly as much as a collection. Late payments affect credit scores, but how much impact a late payment has on a score depends […]

Reporting Utility Payments to the Credit Bureaus – Part One

Utility companies usually don’t report their customers to credit agencies, however, utilities are considered as a form of open credit because customers are billed after a month’s worth of rendered services. Utility companies have the discretion to report their customers to bureaus like credit companies, and they should. There are […]

Do Utility Payments Affect Credit?

Can utility payments impact your credit report? Yes, they can! Plus, the longer you pay them on time, the greater the impact to your credit score. You also need to pay utility bills on time, and you might wonder whether these payments will be able to help you improve credit scores. […]